Legendary footballer Joe Kadenge begs President Uhuru for ONE thing only as he lies on his deathbed

Kenyan football legend Joe Kandenge has made a dying wish to President Uhuru Kenyatta as he lies on bed waiting go to meet his maker anytime.

The sickly footballer was rushed to Meridien Hospital on December 26th after his condition worsened. Kadenge suffers from complications related to diabetes.

Of late, the 81 year old legend has been admitted to a number of city hospitals as his condition deteriorates frequently.

Kadenge made a wish to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta before he dies;

“There are people in the government that I would like to meet. Firstly the president of Kenya; I would also like to meet former presidents. It seems my body doesn’t like me for now. I would like to say goodbye to them (the president and former presidents),” Joe Kadenge spoke in a video uploaded by the Nairobian.

Raila Odinga is the only senior political figure whom Joe Kadenge has met; the sickly footballer met the former PM during the launch of his autobiography book.

Raila Odinga with Joe Kadenge

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Martin Oduor

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