Born Rich: Adelle Onyango, Muhoho Kenyatta, Miss Karun and other Kenyan Celebrities Who Come From Wealthy Families (Photos)

While celebrities like Juliani and Octopizzo started from the bottom and worked their way up, there are some fortunate Kenyan celebrities who were born with a silver spoon.

Check them out below:

1. Muhoho-Kenyatta-Designer

Nothing says ‘I’m rich’ quite like old-money. As you are all aware, his grandmother Ngina Kenyatta is often named as one Africa’s top billionaires with her sources of wealth ranging from real estate to agriculture and schools.

Muhoho comes from a long line of money with his grandpa Jomo Kenyatta being the first president of Kenya, his grandmother is a filthy rich tycoon and his father is the fourth president of Kenya.

While his fellow designers struggle to make ends meet in a country where designer clothes are just but a lofty dream for the common mwanachi , Muhoho cannot relate to the struggle because he was born rich, will live rich and will most likely die rich.

2. Lupita Nyong’o-Actress

One of Kenya’s Hollywood success stories comes from the famous Nyong’o family. Her father Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o is one of Kenya’s longest serving politicians. The current senator of Kisumu county is married to Dorothy Nyong’o, the Managing Director of the Africa Cancer Foundation who also owns a communication company called  ‘7th Sense Communications Limited.’

Needless to say, Lupita has had a very upper-class upbringing and has attended prestigious schools like St Mary’s in Nairobi and Yale University an Ivy League University located  in New Haven-Connecticut .We all know that Ivy League education does not come cheap!

3. Jeff Koinange-TV Host

Jeff Koinange To Stand Trial Again After High Court Renounced Its Earlier Decision That Set Him Free

Many know Jeff as the charming host of popular and at times controversial talk show, Jeff Koinange LIVE #JKL on Kenya’s Television Network, KTN. What people don’t know is that his father was Frederick Mbiyu Koinange, son of Chief Mbiyu Koinange, a prominent Kikuyu chief during colonial times.

Jeff is also related to Peter Mbiyu Koinange,  a man who served the country as an M.P for Kiambaa constituency, Minister of State for Education, External Affairs, Pan-African Affairs, as well as Minister of State in the Office of the President.

He was so rich that his enormous estate which  included over 5,000 acres of prime land in Nairobi, Kiambu, Nakuru and Mombasa was worth 17.4 Billion Kshs. In addition Mbiyu was said to have shares in hotels, agriculture and manufacturing industries.

In addition, Jeff is the cousin to Uhuru Kenyatta.

4. Yvonne Maingey- NTV  News Anchor


We all know that Yvonne was a child star on Club Kiboko, what many don’t know is that Yvonne is not from just any family in Kenya but a family of scholars. After Club Kiboko, Yvonne flew out to pursue university education in London and New York and is currently working on her PHD at the University of Nairobi.

5. Michelle Morgan-Xtreem Outdoors Africa Host and Alchemist Bar co-Owner

The former news anchor is half Tanzanian-half British. Her father was a soldier in Kenya while her mother a Tanzanian, was an air hostess with East African Airlines. Her family owns one of the top security firms in Kenya called BM security.

6. Adelle Onyango-Kiss 100 Radio Presenter


Not much is known about Adelle’s father the late Richard Onyango, but Adelle’s mum Mary Onyango was a very prominent public figure who you probably spotted on TV. She was hard to miss as she was a very sharp-dresser and a vice chair in the National Cohesion & Integration Commission (NCIC) .She was also a founding Member and Executive Director of the Kenya Breast Health Programme.

Prior to her position as the vice-chair of NCIC, Mary served in various senior level management positions including as a financial controller at the Agricultural Finance Corporation.

7. Zachary Saitoti-Owner Shift-Eye Gallery  


His father George Saitoti enjoyed a prolific political career. He was the longest serving Vice President, (1989-1998 and 1999-2002), Minister for education and Internal Security among other political posts.

After Saitoti’s death, Zachary and his mum were to share Saitoti’s wealth (worth more than Sh84.5 million) equally, meaning that Zachary inherited quite a lump sum. He currently owns one on Kenya’s most successful photographic studios, Shift-Eye Gallery  

8. Prezzo-Rapper and Reality Star

Prezzo’s affluent family needs no introduction as Prezzo often and openly brags about his family’s money and expensive purchases. Thanks to his family wealth, Prezzo has been able to constantly set and raise the celebrity lifestyle bar.

In fact, his video P.R.E.Z.Z.O, released in 2006 was among the first expensive Kenyan videos and was allegedly worth Kshs. 500,000 .A decade later; this is still a hefty amount to pay for a music video.

9. Karun Mungai

Everyone knew that Miss Karun was not your usual musician after the president attended the exclusive listening party for her first solo album at the Muthaiga Golf and Country Club in 2013.

Not much is known about her family except that her mum, Molly Mungai is the CEO and Creative Strategy Director at African Mystique Ltd and her dad, Eric Mungai is the director of a real estate investment company called Speedway Investments LTD and CEO of Astral Mining.

Mr. Mungai is said to be a good friend of Uhuru Kenyatta.

10. Tiri 

Tiri who had been touted as Miss Karun’s replacement at ‘Camp Mullah’ is the grand daughter to John Michuki and Josephine Watiri.Michuki was a popular politician who served as a Minister for Transport and Communication and as a Minister for environment.

Michuki was also the chairman and majority shareholder of the exclusive Windsor Golf & Country Club in Nairobi

About this writer:

Sue Watiri