Married TV Host and Comedian Offends His Followers after Sharing a Photo of Him ‘Receiving’ Sensual Oral Sex from This Yellow-Yellow Model (Photos)

He thought it would be a cool photo to share but his followers thought otherwise.

Nedu, a renowned events MC, TV host, comedian and actor in Nigeria shared a photo where he simulated oral sex with model and Radio/TV host Sarah Ofili.

Stella is seen kneeling down on her knees while Nedu looks visibly aroused as the Nigerian-Hungarian model sinks her head towards his crotch.

This offended many Instagram users and he was forced to apologize saying that he is sorry for anyone it offended they shouldn’t get angry as it was just part of a skit.



“We were shooting a skit last night on the set of my TV show and the picture you saw that I posted and deleted was meant for a skit. I just had this to say before people start thinking differently. It’s not what you think and by the way I’m a married man.” He said on an Instagram Video

About this writer:

Sue Watiri