Jadudi Undergoes His 5th Brain Surgery #prayforjadudi(Photo)

The name Jadudi has now become synonymous with a fierce cancer soldier. This is after Jadudi real name Emmanuel Otieno’s valiant battle against cancer.

Last year, Kenyans were rallied through Biko’s article and they managed to raise more than 6 million shillings for Jadudi and he was able to go to India to remove the tumor in his brain.

A surgery that was successful and we were told it was the last one ever. About 8 months later, the cancer struck back and once again, Jadudi went to India for his fifth surgery. According to Zawadi Nyong’o Jadudi is doing much better now.


“God is good! I just spoke to #Jadudi & his mom. He’s in pain but in good spirits. God bless you all. #PrayForJadudi” she revealed in a tweet.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri