Prezzo To Take Drug Test As He Threatens To Sue Leading Media House And Opens Up Fresh Beef With Jaguar

There is little love lost between Jaguar and Prezzo despite half-hearted measures to reconcile in the past.

Theirs is a battle of egos, flossing and real hate hose like is yet to be seen on the local showbiz scene. None can miss an opportunity to throw a jibe at the other and anything is game. Prezzo it appears is ready to take this rivalry to the courtroom.

This action comes as a response to an article in one of the local dailies insinuated that he had a drug problem. Prezzo was angered by it and quickly apportioned blame not just to the newspaper but to his nemesis that he says paid the writer of the article to smear his name with such.

An enraged Prezzo took to social media to vent his disappointment and threatened to sue the paper saying he will take a drug test and demand 2 million for damages. Here is that rant.


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu