Aged Dedan Kimathi’s Widow Runs For Dear Life After An Angry Mob In Athi River Bayed For Blood

Mjane vitu gani??? Mlolongo, Kitengela and Athi River residents joined forces to chase away Dedan Kimathi’s widow and her family!!

Drama unfolded in Athi River on Tuesday after angry residents decided to hound the widow of Mau Mau fighter Dedan Kimathi and her family.

Mrs. Kimathi and family members were in Athi River to inspect a parcel of land that was allegedly given to them by retired President Mwai Kabiki.

The Kimathis explained to the media that the 4,000 acres piece of land which is owned by East Africa Portland Cement, was promised to them by Kibaki.

The land was to be handed to the Kimathis after the process of dispossessing Portland Cement was done.

On that fateful Tuesday, the Kimathis decided to inspect the land before they finally settled there. To their surprise, squatters had already subdivided the land among themselves.

Upon realizing the land was ‘being taken from them’ the squatters took up arms and decided to pursue the Kimathis. The angry mob is said to be constituted by residents from Mlolongo, Kitengela, Athi River and even Nairobi.

The Kimathis were attacked with stones and all other crude weapons but luckily no one suffered serious injuries as they fled the site just in time.

Injured members of the Kimathi family were treated at Shalom Hospital in Athi River.

Credit: Daily Nation.

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Martin Oduor

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