Surprise Surprise, Not Only Johnson Sakaja Eats at a Kibanda but Also this Celebrity. And He does it With His Hot Girlfriend (Photo)

You would imagine that all celebrities would take their sweethearts at fancy cozy places. Well, let me shock you, the need to have a unique date seems to push others to quite interesting choices.

It appears eating out at a kibanda is the in thing among public figures. It started out with the president, then TNA chairman Sakaja and then the Nairobi governor along with SONU chairman.

Now it seems one local celebrity has decided to use the Kibanda for a date. It may be out of the desire to be more original but it is still was comical. Popular comedian Jaymo Ule Msee decided to get to a Kibanda date with his love and they did sample the madondo and chapatti on offer. Here is that interesting photo as the lady enjoys her delicacy.


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Liatema Munyu