KPLC Employee Who Sustained 90% Burns After A Deadly Electrocution Last Sunday Passes On (Photo)

The deceased passed on at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) after being transferred from Nakuru due to the severity of his burns.

Days ago a viral video doing rounds on social media frightened Kenyans as it showed technicians working on a transformer being electrocuted.

Also Read: Horror Caught On Camera: Two KPLC Workers Electrocuted While Working On A Transformer In Nakuru

One of the KPLC workers involved in the tragedy, 40 year old Peter Ongeri Omenda, sustained serious burns on his body.

Mr. Peter who suffered 90% burns was transferred from Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital to KNH on Tuesday for specialized treatment.

Unfortunately Peter Ongeri didn’t make it as he succumbed to his injuries a day later after being admitted at KNH.

Our sincere condolence to the family for the lose.


Credit: Daily Nation


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Martin Oduor

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