Mama Baha Of Machachari Who Is Single Has Been Spotted Hanging Out With Rabbit At Different Places Way Too Many Times. Anything Cooking? (Photos)
Has she finally found the apple of her eyes or they are just friends??
Juicy gossip reaching Ghafla! desk indicates there might be more than meets the eye in the regular meetings between Rabbit and Mama Baha.
Wanjiku ‘Shiks’ Mburu aka Mama Bahati of Machachari must be a close friend to Rabbit Kaka Sungura, nor not. The two have been spotted many times enjoying quality time together at different hangouts.
In a recent interview with Citizen Digital this January, Mama Baha revealed she was single and that she also liked keeping male company.
Mama Baha hanging out with King Kaka regularly could only elicit two assumptions; they are dating or they are close buddies.
Which one do you think they are??