Stress Za Kutaka Kuwa Governor! Apart From Being Forced To Donate His Gold Rings And Blings, This Is The Nightmare Sonko Has Been Put Through For Him To Be A Governor (Photos)

Nairobi Senator plans to succeed Kidero as the second governor of Nairobi County. But the position comes with its own requirements that have forced Sonko to ‘stoop low’.

Mike Sonko is known for his flamboyance; dyed hair, crazy haircuts, glittering gold blings and rings on his ten fingers, fancy clothes etc etc.

But a governor is a ‘mini-president’ who meets foreign dignitaries on several occasions to discuss various issues in relation to County development.

For this reason Sonko realized his glamour and flair were impediments to his ambition of clinching the coveted Nairobi gubernatorial seat.

A stressful Sonko has been forced to have a decent haircut and to get rid of the blings and rings. Sonko says he has been compelled to wake up at night to wear his pricey ‘accessories’ .

The Nairobi Senator says he’s wants to donate his gold rings and blings since he can no longer put them on like he wished.



“Stress sana this kiti ya Governor iko na maneno kweli. Style za kushave nilichange sasa ni decent, kuvaa bling zangu za zamani nikakaziwa mpaka nazivaa usiku weekend pekee yake mpaka sasa nataka kuzidonate.”

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere