You are a Joker! Bahati MP, tells President Uhuru Kenyatta

Bahati MP, Kimani Ngunjiri is an haunted man!
The controversial legislature seems to court trouble every time he opens his mouth to speak or everywhere he goes.
Residents of Bahati constituency have however now had it and told him off, after he disrespected his party leader who is also the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta.
Ngunjiri was severely criticized over the weekend after he rejected Susan Kihaka, as the region’s Jubilee presidential campaign coordinator.
Uhuru appointed Susan Kihiki who is also Nakuru county assembly speaker as the lead campaign coordinator.
The over 1000 residents, led by Crispus Wathimba, an MP aspirant said the MP stance was meant to disrupt Jubilee campaign strategy prior to the next general elections.
Wathimba futher added that electing Ngunjiri was one of the biggest political blunders the residents of Bahati have ever made.
Ngunjiri however seems to never shy away trouble, at one point he was even arrested after he was charged with hate speech along with other lawmakers.
On July the vocal MP was captured on video asking the youth of Nakuru to ensure members of certain community (Luo’s) leave Nakuru town and its environs immediately.
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His remarks sparked a strong condemnation and triggered a ‘hate speech diarrhea’ where leaders from both the government and opposition engaged in hate speech, forcing the Inspector general to issue arrest warrants against the six leaders.
In 2004, he also came close to having a fists fight with the then Subukia MP, Koigi wa Mwere, forcing Koigi’s bodyguards to whip out guns to prevent Ngunjiri from attacking the dreadlocked lawmaker.
Mr Ngunjiri has dismissed the appointment of Nakuru Speaker Susan Kihika to spearhead the re-election campaign team of President Kenyatta in Nakuru as a “joke of the year” as reported by Hivisasa.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla