Auditor general, Mr. Edward Ouko Reveals Baringo County paid over Ksh272 million to ghost workers.

An incriminating report by the Auditor general, Mr. Edward Ouko has revealed that the blue hills of Baringo County, don’t just team with flora and Fauna but ghosts as well.
The ‘county of diversity’ may actually be enjoying the creepy company of creatures from the other world literally.
An audit report by the government auditor, has shown light into the nitty gritty of Baringo County financial expenditure and unearthed, the county may have paid over Sh272 million to ghost workers as reported by a daily newspaper.
The incriminating report, indicates that the county paid individuals not captured in the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD) system in 2014-2015 financial year.
Mr Ouko noted that Ksh272, 825,309 could have been made to nonexistent workers or was a result of double payment.
In the breakdown of the payment of salaries not in the payroll system, nursery school teachers were paid Sh150.8 million, economic stimulus programmes received Sh17.2 million, and employees on contract were paid Sh23.6 million while newly employed health workers received Sh13.7 million.
The auditor among many other numbers which simply didn’t add up, raised questions on Sh56m bursary put into an Equity bank account, account number 1390262458895 with no records showing how the funds were disbursed to individual and beneficiary institutions.
Ouko also questioned the county finance statement covering the 2014/15 financial year, noting questionable pending bills amounting to Sh174 million which the county could not support with any documentation. Ouko further questioned how the county could report pending bills when it closed the year without spending over Sh800 million meant for development.
Baringo County, Treasury and Economic Planning CEC, Geoffrey Bartenge has however come out and strongly denied the auditor reports.
The CEC said in a short clip posted on the county facebook page.
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Bartenge assurance however did not quell fears of some residents who simply questioned why the county won’t follow laid down procedure as the law dictates.

Kaprorita Ward, MCA, Solomon Chemjor who spoke to Ghafla said they have received the  report and are currently scrutinizing it with a ‘needle pin’ to verify the whole truth.
The MCA said.

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Baba Ghafla