Corruption Devolved to the Counties, Auditor Report reveals

Governors have come under spotlight for presiding over the likely loss of billions of shillings in unsupported expenditure, ghost projects, irregular payments and faulty procurement.
Corruption is no longer a preserve of the national government and has been devolved into the counties.  ‘Mini gods’ charge with overseeing county affairs have proven to have insatiable appetite for tax payer’s money too.
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Unlike political affiliations, corruption cuts across both Jubilee and Cord Strong holds.
According to Auditor report, 2014-2015, Mr. Edwar Ouko raised red flags on several counties which oversaw massive graft, some of the counties which featured in his report includes.
Mombasa County
Hassan Joho, an ODM star, is accused for operating four parallel revenue collection accounts: two bank accounts in KCB, one in National Bank of Kenya and another in the Cooperative Bank.
The county is also accused of running 22 bank accounts, including those for defunct local authorities, with balances totaling Sh193.7 million.
The Public Finance Management act requires each county Treasury ensure all money raised or received or on behalf of the county government goes into the county revenue fund.
Nairobi County
Governor Evans Kidero, is on Ouko’s focus following millions of shilings collected in parking fees and other issues. The county only collected Sh23 million from off-street parking lots at the Law Courts, Sunken Car Park and Intercontinental, with total parking slots of 530. However, with a 100 per cent occupation only, the county ought to have collected over Sh36 million from the three parking slots.
Tharaka Nithi County
The vote rich county has not provided documents to show that development projects totaling Ksh694.6 million were implemented during the 2014/15 financial year and their status.
According to the Auditor General, the county had an approved budget of Sh1.9 billion and its financial statements says it spent Sh694.6 million, but there is no documentation.
According to a survey conducted by Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, (EACC) early this year, Garissa topped in most corrupt county governments  list followed by Kisii, Nyamira, Narok, Marsabit, Murang’a, Bomet, Nairobi, Kiambu and Homa Bay.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla