Yet another candidate announces their bid for the Nairobi Women rep seat. She’s rich, flamboyant and exceptionally sexy

Some of them only show their faces around the election time only to retreat to their plush villas and gated, gilded homes to enjoy their ill-gotten wealth as they lazily wait for the next election cycle to storm into the city again. And fool the masses one more time.
How atrocious.
But anyway… Saviors come in many forms. Some rambunctious and horrifying, like Donald J Trump, some charismatic and dashing like Barack Obama, some pragmatic and revolutionary like John Pombe Magufuli and others not just breathtakingly beautiful but also result-oriented and zealous like Hon. Wangui B. Nganga also known as Ms. B Tosha.
Unlike her competitors, whose financial incapabilities mean that they couldn’t start campaigning too early for lack of enough funds, Ms. B Tosha hit the ground running as early as January 2016 erecting massive billboards across the City and paying millions of money to have them up for as long as she needed.
From Thika Road to Kiambu Road, Mombasa Road to the inner slums of the city, Ms. B Tosha’s billboards, magnificent and majestic, with her gorgeous face proudly splashed across the place, stood tall and proud. Bearing one menacing message – the City Messiah has arrived.
A self-made multimillionaire who grew her empire from the sale of construction materials as a novice to the unbeatable mogul she is today, Ms. B Tosha approached the campaigns with the urgency – and professional efficiency – of Hillary Clinton.
Unlike her competitors who run their campaigns from their bedrooms, and with offices the size of a village Kiosk, Ms. B Tosha not only hired an entire PR agency to manage her campaign – she also set up a glossy campaign headquarters staffed with over 20 staff working day and night to blow her image up.
Ms. B Tosha is also not some scraggly, struggling city washout who just wants power just to enrich herself – she’s been in the deepest parts of wealth itself as she not only owns a number of properties locally and even regionally, she also owns a fleet of high-end vehicles for work and for pleasure.
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In fact, the staggeringly wealthy magnate has just bought a sheeny brand new 2015 VX to reward herself for her hard work.
Lavish and with the taste for the finest things in life, Ms. B Tosha has refused to let her fortunes and pricey material possessions get in the way of her delivery of services and commitment to the betterment of the Nairobi woman. And the Kenyan woman at large.
“I am a woman who has been incredibly blessed and found great favor in my life. I gave done it alone. Scaled the heights alone and brought the glory home. Alone. I want all women to have the same opportunities I did. To find doors open. To find the same paths I found. And to encounter no hindrance to their paths to success. Just like me. I’ve been incredibly lucky. And I want women to not just go even higher. But higher than me “she says
Ms. B Tosha is also quite popular around the city business and political circles as she’s considered a gemstone, an invaluable asset and a dazzling star for her great adeptness at business.
And even judging from the crowds and from the masses that throng her campaign events, from Mathare to Kawangware, Roysambu to Kariokor, the lady is a rock star.
Not only does she have a matchless rapport with the voters, she carries along with her cheers and ecstatic crowds that jam halls and venues to watch her speak as they cheer her along in their massive numbers.
Glorious and exceedingly astute, the city of Nairobi has found itself a political savior. In the form of a diligent, stunning and gifted woman.
Hail, Ms. B Tosha!

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla