Kuria launches a fiery attack against Raila Odinga and everyone and everything that is CORD

Gatundu Member of Parliament, Moses Kuria has launched a fiery verbal attack against ODM leader, Raila Odinga and the entire CORD brigade.
The controversial MP in a short clip posted on his facebook page accused CORD of all manner of ills,from being the worst human being ever to covering corruption for CORD leaders.
Kurui also took a swipe at Mombasa governor Hassan Joho, accusing him of being responsible for the drug menace in the coastal region.
Joho enjoys a close relationship with the opposition chief, Raila.
In his firing line, Kurui also took a hit at Siaya senator, James Orengo accusing him of colluding with some western countries to win the IEBC tender.
the Gatundu MP said.
Kuria dared Orengo to come out and challenged him if he was lying, adding that CORD was only interested in selling the technology so that they can able to rig the 2017 elections.
In a weird remark, Kurui even alleged that ODM leader will never go to Heaven.
In the silliest of remarks the Gatundu mp who is battling hate speech charges went ahead and told KSCE student when asked in their exam papers to answer who is the worst people ever to live in this earth to write down the name of Raila odinga.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla