School Head teacher, rapes 13 year old girl for not completing Social Studies homework

A school head teacher who defiled a 13 year old girl as a punishment for not completing her homework will spend 25 years in jail.
Alex Otieno, who is also the owner of Starlet Academy in Nakuru, was convicted of the offence by a Nakuru court yesterday.
The 36-year-old father of three was charged for committing the offence between April 30, 2013 and July 19, 2013 at Dundori in Nakuru County after the minor failed to complete her Composition and Social Studies homework.
  the minor said
Her classmate however convinced her to report what had transpired in the head teacher’s office to her mother.
also read :
One of her classmate, narrated to court how shaken the girl was and how she kept to herself.
classmate told the court.
The mother told the court that her daughter came home on July 19, 2013, scared and accompanied by her friend.
  said the mother.
The mother told the court that she and her daughter reported the incident to the police and completed a P3 form at the Provincial General Hospital in Nakuru with a Dr Matara, who confirmed that the minor had been defiled.
Senior Resident Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku said she found the evidence presented by the prosecution to be true. The magistrate said the accused was not remorseful and the statement he posed to the minor proved that he defiled her.
During the cross-examination, the suspect had told the minor that they had agreed for her not to finish her homework so that he could call her in his office and have sex.
The court found the sentence to be fit and fair

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla