Woman sedates daughter to make her sleep so as to have undisturbed sex with boyfriend

A British woman, Michala Pyke, and her boyfriend, John Rytting, have been charged for both physical and emotional abuse of 4-year-old Poppy Widdison (Pyke’s daughter).
Pyke and Rytting were sedating Poppy with drugs before they had sex; prosecution discovered that the two had been lacing the child’s food with drugs to make her sleep so that they could have undisturbed sex.
Poppy’s lifeless body was found on a sofa in 2013; paramedics discovered her body was turning blue. The prosecution has been working tirelessly to have Pyke and Rytting convicted for murder or manslaughter, but so far no conclusive evidence has been gathered to slap the two with capital offense.
Tests carried out after the child died found that she had ingested a variety of drugs for a period of up to six months before her death. The substances found in her body included sedatives, heroin, methadone and ketamine.
The prosecution however hasn’t convinced the jury that Pyke and her lover Rytting directly gave the child the drugs found in her system, even though they have a text message of Pyke asking Rytting to come with drugs so that they could give the youngster to make her sleep before they could enjoy themselves.
The two suspects have so far been charged with child cruelty as the prosecution try to have capital offense added to their charge.

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Baba Ghafla