Moneylicious Babu Owino! See How The UoN Students’ Leader Made It Rain At A Fundraiser (Video)

One thing for sure is that Babu Owino is not poor, the way he made it rain at a fundraiser proves the ninja as serious guap to throw around!

Babu Owino marshaled UoN comrades to raise funds towards the treatment of their colleague, Stephen Wasonga, who needs urgent treatment in India.

The 26-year-old second year BCOM student at lower kabete campus who was diagnosed with liver cancer, has been admitted at Mp Shah hospital.

Wasonga needs an estimated Kes 3.5 million to travel to India to seek medical treatment. You can send him your contributions through his Mpesa paybill 513592.

Anyways, Babu and his comrades decided to raise funds to contribute towards Wasonga’s treatment. How much did Babu contribute?

I lost the count at 45k, watch the video below to count for yourself:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere