Unhygienic things that you could put your life into danger

Menstruation aka period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman’s. The body sheds the lining of the womb if no pregnancy occurs. Menstruation differs from one woman to the next in terms of flow and longevity, ranging from 3-5 days, the blood contains blood and tissue found inside the uterus.
During menses, women wear different things to prevent the flow of blood trickling down our legs or soil our clothes, from tampons/ pads to sponge, cotton or clothing.
Unless you are in your menopause, you will get periods, yes, the use of pills might delay or change your cycle, but it will still come.
Worst thing to do ladies is being unhygienic while using the various products for your period, i.e not changing your pads or tampons.
If not soaked already, your pad or tampon can only stay 4-6hours unchanged with maximum of 8hours. Do you know the risks you put yourself in for walking with that soaked tampon or pad the whole day?
is a rare but a deadly disease.
TSS is caused by built up bacteria in your vajayjay, if you do not use the correct tampons absorbents depending on your flow or if you  don’t change it often enough. TSS is real. If you use tampons, you should read on the that died from using tampons, might wake you up to the dangers of not using tampons the correct way.
I’m sure you’ve experienced it this even once. So rash is brought if you do not change your pad regularly plus if the pad is wet for long it rubs your “lips” chaffing you. So once you start feeling some rash, Vaseline helps reduce and you should make sure you are dry during periods.
You HAVE to shower. Seem pretty obvious? But it’s not.
You have to shower at least twice. The blood usually “hides” in the skin on your labia and the opening of your vagina, so showering cleans the blood away. But if for any reason you cannot shower, you can use a toilet paper to clean yourself or wet wipes.
You are at risk of if you stay with pads longer than expected. UTI comes when the bladder is inflamed due to a virus or bacterial infection, mostly E. Coli bacteria. UTI is a bitch!
Escherichia coli (E.Coli), lives peacefully in the low intestine and bowel, but once they make their way to the bladder, trouble begins. Because bacteria tend to survive in warm, moist places, the urethra area is a common breeding site. So the overstayed blood on the pad provides a bridge for bacteria from your anus to your urethra.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla