As Trump goes for billionaires, who can Uhuru appoint if he follows suit?

Reports from the US suggest Donald Trump is assembling the richest cabinet ever in modern US history. Previous US cabinets have featured a number of rich individuals but none has come close to the collection Donald Trump is setting up.
Back in 2001, in George Bush’s first administration his cabinet brought criticisms over the number of millionaires it had in its ranks.
However, the combined total net worth of that group even with figures adjusted for inflation adds up to $250 million which happens to be a tenth  of the net worth of just one nominee to Trump’s cabinet, Wilbur Ross whom trump has nominated him as Commerce Secretary.
Wilbur Ross is ranked 232 on Forbes list of the richest 400 people in the world. He has a net worth of $2.5 billion. His deputy at commerce is the co-owner of Chicago Cubs a team that just won the baseball world series this year. His father is worth $1.7 billion and was a major Trump donor.
Betsy Devos his nominee for Education secretary is from a rich family with a total net worth of $5.1 billion.   
Elaine Chao his proposed Transport secretary has a senator husband and the couple have a net worth of $36.5 million. She is the daughter of a former shipping magnate and inherited a fortune after her mother died.
His proposed head of treasury Steven Mnuchin is a prominent figure in Wall Street and Hollywood and has a net worth of $46 million. 
Tom Price his nominated Health services secretary is worth $13.6 million while he had proposed Ben Carson who is worth $26 million as the housing secretary. He has also proposed the 30th richest man in the US, Harold Hamm with a net worth of $16.7 billion as his energy secretary.
Trump himself came from a wealthy family and he is a billionaire too with a net worth according to Forbes of $3.7 billion.
While there are criticism to his selections, for the Kenya a more interesting thing would be a scenario where the Kenyan cabinet was filled with some of the richest individuals in Kenya.
The current president after all comes from a one of the richest families in Kenya. Such a cabinet will not necessarily feature an order of the richest individuals but most prominent names from a wealthy background or their sons and daughters. Focus will be on the key cabinet positions like Defence, Internal Security, Foreign Affairs, Justice, National Cohesion and constitutional affairs, Trade and Industry, Tourism, Agriculture .
It will also be a tricky balance of region and gender and money. Of course plenty of minority groups will miss out but these will be compensated by preserving most of state corporations to them.
She is the obvious name in this list for the tenacious spirit she has had in being able to keep her company afloat and modernize it in face of cutthroat competition.
She pretty much understands the challenges local industries face making her a sure fit.
He may have resigned from his KQ position of Board Chairman but Ambassador Dennis Awori coming from the wealthy and influential Awori family still retains several board positions.
From Vision 2030 to Transcentury and tens of others, he sure takes over what his father and uncle had so well mastered. His diplomacy and contacts should serve him well here.
She is easily the richest woman at the Nairobi Stock Exchange with her stake at Britam at one point being valued at Ksh. 4.5 billion.
The lawyer and managing partner at Kimani and Michuki advocates would make a good surprise selection at the millionaire’s Cabinet many who would know her but her private ways have kept her from the public limelight.
Her firm clients include Equity Bank
The acclaimed and award winning pharmacist and daughter to the late Tom Mboya brings an unsurpassed pedigree to the table.
Her care for the welfare of the girls and women and her experience with numerous NGO’s would help her navigate the maze that is the Kenyan sector.
Harun Mwau is many things to different people. He is wealthy beyond imagination and once served as the Assistant police commissioner. He basically fits the requirement even though it seems a humorous selection.
Having ‘The Boss’ as head of internal security requires someone of equal footing to get in defense and who better than ‘Total Man’ Nichlas Biwott. The wealthy former Kanu power man has interests across many sectors and will perfectly understand what it means when the birders are not secured and the risks of terrorism to life ad economy.
This would be a perfect time to tap on the expertise of someone who has invested heavily in agriculture across the region and the founder of Sameer Africa merits a seat among fellow wealthy individuals.
Chris Kirubi is rich and flamboyant and loves singing praises to Kenya and has a number of flagship projects that also depend on foreign investment.
He knows all about selling a brand and he should have some interesting ideas on boosting fluctuation Kenyan tourism levels.
After making all that noise at the Constitution Implementation Committee and really putting parliament to its toes, the eldest son of wealthy veteran Kisii politician Simon Nyachae did plenty of good to his family’s name.
With all that wealth and pedigree behind him as well as his aggressiveness he would make quite an interesting pick for the attorney general position.
At one point he was Kenya’s only dollar billionaire brings vast experience on managing budgets given the multi-national deals he has overseen as head of Bidco.
The finance job should prove a good challenge for Vimal and he has a wealthy family to guide him when he needs outside the box solutions.
The Amani coalition leader is another who comes from a family of means and political pedigree.
He sure does not have Matiangi like zeal and outpouring passion but he does have a sober head and he is very insightful and a good negotiator.
This does not look that bad all, given how we worship and run after money such a cabinet should be a problem. To throw in a spanner in the works we can throw in Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o as CBK governor.
He is not wealthy but he is rich and has knack for policy making and economics. The CBK seat also seems to be attracting intellectuals of late.
What are your views and alternative list?

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla