Did You Know Those Hot Babes In Langata Prison Are Cold Blooded Killers? See How This One Confessed To Stabbing Her Hubby To Death REPEATEDLY (Video)

Team Mafisi were recently swept off their feet with the sizzling hot inmates at Langata Women Prison. But they are not locked in that penitentiary for stealing biscuits, they stink of murder!!!

A while back, Kenyans were trolling Miss Siaya and Miss Nyamira after they posed with hot inmates that made many think the two beauty queens bribed their way to the crown.

Also Read: This Is What Miss Nyamira Confessed About The Sexy Looking Female Criminals In Langata Prison Who Dwarfed Her Beauty By Far

Miss Nyamira and Miss Siaya told Team Mafisi Secretary General, Shaffie Weru, Langata Prison was full of stunningly hot ladies.

But what Shaffie wasn’t told is that most babes in Langata pen are cold-blooded killers. Take for example Kamanda Wanjiru, the lady on the far left who posed with Miss Nyamira, she stabbed her boyfriend, Farid Ahmed, 22 times killing him in a feud over a text message in Buruburu estate in 2015.


Kamanda Wanjiru with Miss Nyamira and Miss Siaya at Langata Prison


Kamanda Wanjiru with the man she stabbed to death in 2015

Another eye candy in Langata Prison, Beatrice, also stabbed her baby daddy several times killing him in cold blood. And she says she did it in self defense!

Beatrice says she’s a short-tempered person, and her deceased sweetheart learnt this the hard way. She confessed killing her man on camera, watch the video below:

Team Mafisi, be watchful of where you want to take your thirst!!

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere