Madness! You Won’t Believe The Millions Former KU Vice Chancellor Olive Mugenda Is Being Awarded As Sendoff Package

University Council decided to award former Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor Olive Mugenda with a lavish retirement package sparking uproar!!

Professor Olive Mugenda is perhaps the most successful university vice-chancellor in Kenya. As such, University Council decided to award her with a lavish retirement package as an appreciation for the good work she did at Kenyatta University.

The package included a retirement home of her choice worth Kes 20 million, a personal vehicle for Kes 10 million, a 10 day holiday to a country of her choice in the company of a spouse or a friend for Kes 2.5 million.

Professor Oliver Mugenda however REJECTED the retirement package saying she was only discharging her public duties as expected of her.

The former Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor declined the hefty retirement package in a press statement released a few days ago.

Meanwhile there was uproar on social media after word got out the University Council was offering Professor Mugenda a hefty sendoff package.

Credit: The Standard

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Martin Oduor

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