These sexy photos of Kenyan women in waist beads will make you love our culture

Kenyans especially the Twitterati are usually big on challenges mostly stemming from global trends or the gaffes and stunts pulled by regional and local leaders.
Take for example the Museveni Challenge, the Raila challenge or the global mannequin challenge.
Over the weekend, another totally new challenge emerged. It was set by the ladies and involved showcasing their lovely waists and navel area displaying colorful beads that accentuated the beauty of the bodies.
It easily caught up around and lady after lady shared a photo proudly displaying teasing and tantalizing photos of their bead covered waists.
It is a thing of beauty and pretty original especially as it celebrates an aspect of African culture. There are many reasons why culturally African ladies would put on beads.
There was the aesthetic reason which would see traditional African women and girls don meticulously designed beads in different shapes and ring patterns for beauty.
In some cultures the number, size and material used to make the beads were used to denote a woman’s status in society both in age and prestige.
Still others would have special beads for increasing fertility and as a lucky charm. Presently, the ladies don beads for beauty purposes and thy do help increase the mystic aura around the ladies increasing their appeal.
We have had some odd challenges or time bound ones, but here is something that is really worth being repeated.
It is not only timeless, it is almost the best thing you will see this month. It is also a very appropriate one, if men have No shave November, then our ladies should have waist beads December as they rock the bikinis in the beaches or strut this Nairobi streets in hot December.
Here are some photos from the challenge that make you wish it would go on for ages and actually become a regular practice.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla