This Is Why Ratchet Bi-Sexual Rapper Noti Flow Was Mentioned By American Rapper Macklemore

You can say 2016 has been Noti Flow’s year! Now an A-list American rapper is talking about her!

The biggest project Noti Flow has been involved in is perhaps featuring in Art Attack’s ‘Same Love (Remix)’.

The song has not only dominated discussions in Kenya but has also been a topic of discussions on international stage as the likes BBC have shed light on the Kenyan song.

The Kenyan ‘Same Love (Remix)’ was inspired by Macklemore’s 2012 gay rights anthem dubbed “Same Love”.

Macklemore talked about the Kenyan ‘Same Love (Remix)’last month when he was in England with Owuor Arunga, his bandleader who is also a Kenyan.

Macklemore mentioned the gays and lesbian in ‘Same Love (Remix)’ who risked their lives exposing their faces.

“Ben [Macklemore] is the one that showed me the song. He was picking my brain about it, trying to get a feel for what Kenya was like.” Okayafrica quoted Owuor Arunga.

Kenya Film Classification Board’s (KFCB) ban on ‘Same Love (Remix)’ has turned out to be more of a blessing than a curse; now the likes of Noti Flow are getting international exposure as ‘Same Love (Remix)’ continues receiving global coverage.

Credit: Okayafrica

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Martin Oduor

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