New education curriculum to be released on January 2017

Kenyans will have to wait a bit longer, to know when the new education curriculum will be adopted.
The Ministry of Education has once again postponed the release of a new curriculum that was set to be out on Thursday in Nairobi.
Education Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Fred Matiang’i announced that the national curriculum conference to endorse the new curriculum will now be held on January 6 2017.
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Dr Matiang’i made the announcement during the national curriculum steering committee meeting held at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum development (KICD) on Tuesday.
The steering committee is tasked with guiding the formulation of relevant policies to facilitate the process of curriculum development, implementation and assessment of the reformed curriculum.
It is suspected that the meeting has been pushed forward in order to enable the ministry of education, brief President Uhuru Kenyatta on the new curriculum, since the process needs political backing.
This is the second time that the exercise has been pushed forward.
“ Dr Matiang’i said when he released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations.
The Education CS, said all over the world countries were turning to the adoption of continuous assessments over summative evaluation and Kenya should follow suit.
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Matiang’I added it would however take time to fully implement the curriculum.
” he said.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla