28 Year Old Lady Calls Out Her Father On Facebook After He Abducted Her Husband For Marrying Her Without His Consent (Photos)
Just when you thought such kind of cases only happen in movies, a lady pops on Facebook to expose the evil deeds of her father!
Oppressed persons have made it a habit of rushing to the social media to tell their stories in a bid to spark action.
A female Nigerian doctor took to Facebook to expose her father whom she says he ‘abducted’ her husband for marrying her without his consent.
Dr. Nono Orji says she introduced her sweetheart Ugo Madugba to her parents but they didn’t accept him as their would-be son-in-law.
Nono’s parents wanted their daughter to get married to one Stanley Amaefule. The lady however disregarded her parents’ advice and went on to get married to Ugo secretly.
Nono’s father used his influence to get her daughter’s husband arrested upon learning she had gotten married to the man he didn’t want.
The doctor has been crying on Facebook since yesterday narrating how her evil father has conspired to deprive her of her love.
My parents have been with my certificates since August 2015. Now they have my husband in the cell since yesterday, on account of ABDUCTION. They have peddled that I’m already married to Stanley Amaefule. Stanley has stated in emails and chats that my family and I shouldn’t get him involved in this useless drama. But he still speaks with my people and they encourage him that he will have his wife in the end. My mother has gone to my husband’s people to destroy the already-shaking relation, by accusing their son of hypnotising me, and that I am feeding their son. The Registrar of Ikoyi Marriage Registry had been constantly calling my husband and forcing him to come to Ikoyi to correct a “mistake” on the certificate, until a letter was sent to his ministry for him to behave himself. My parents had used my sister’s wedding event as an avenue for more drama, and now aiming to use my late grandmother’s funeral, coming up next month, for more. My other siblings are coerced, I believe, into doing and saying things. My junior brother has referred to me as a criminal, and that if I’m seen, I would be caught by the police. Very conflicting things. Relatives and friends of all status have come in and out of the matter over the past 6 months, but no one is really now to fight my father, very understandable by his present actions. Reverend Fathers have been publicly insulted on this matter, for which reason some who are to take more action have pulled back subtly. I succumbed to spiritual deliverance and exorcism for peace to reign at a time, for them to expunge the claim of me being spiritually possessed, but.
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Breaking News: The Nigerian Police in Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi just arrested an Innocent 30year old man called Ugo Madugba for an offence of Marriage.Marriage has become a crime in Nigeria according to Dolphin police station in Ikoyi.Mr Ugo got married to Dr Nono a 28 year old medical Doctor .Her father has been very distraught about it and has used the police to threaten the young couple to the extent of arresting all those who acted as witnesses to the marriage who are now in custody.He has been denied access to his family and friends and information reaching us has it that his Lawyer was also denied access to him .There is a belief that a plan to poison ugo is being hatched.Please forward this message to as many people as possible lets save Ugo’s life.
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Nono and Ugo Madugba