Cry for help from this 2yr old with hole in the heart will leave you teary

Hi,I am Emily. Or little Emily. I was born on May 28th 2014. At birth,I was a perfectly normal kid. I was bouncy,gleeful,exuberant,healthy and fit as they come. That’s according to what Mum,Linet Aketch and Daddy Benedict Adongo say.
And then I started growing up… But unlike all other kids my age,I wasn’t really adding any weight. Infact,I was losing weight. At around one and a half years,I was weighing a meager 5 Kgs. That wasn’t right for a child my age. I should have added something. Grown a little more. Added some little weight. But it was never the case.
I would eat,alright. And suckle from my Mummy. But still,something wasn’t right.
Also,my growth was stunted. I wasn’t making any visible physical developments. I still had the body of an infant. And the hands,head and limbs of one.
Mommy didn’t see much into it. She assumed it was all good. You know,I’ll be fine,she figured. Daddy wouldn’t worry that much either. He’d probably seen or heard of a case like mine – normal child taking too long to develop or add weight.
But their worries started to sink in proper when I started experiencing difficulty in breathing. They could put up with my retarded growth. Maybe put up with my dismal weight. But my breathing problems? Something had to be done.
Mummy and Daddy sprang to action. In the mid of the night,they both rushed me to the nearest clinic in the village. And then I had to be referred to one in Kisumu town. And then another referral and another referral.
It was quickly concluded that I urgently needed medical attention and examination at some heart clinic in Nairobi’s Hurlingham. I was referred to a Doctor Jowi. Christine Jowi. Miss Jowi was the medic who finally broke the dreaded news to Mummy and Daddy. ‘Your baby has ….’ she said.
They obviously had never heard of such a word. Such a huge name. So complicated. They sought to be explained to in a language they both understood.
You see,Mummy and Daddy are casual laborers back in the village in Nyanza. Daddy actually has no employment. And Mummy sells vegetables to keep us going. Neither has that much of an education actually.
Dr. Jowi gave them a look. One hard look of despair and pity and then she broke it down to them, ‘Little Emily has a hole in her heart’.
I had a hole in my heart! That explained my difficulties in breathing. That explained my stunted growth. That explained my lack of weight. That explained my lack of appetite. That explained my cold,blank look. That explained my teary eyes. And that explained my pounding little body.
I could almost hear Mummy’s heart stop. And Daddy tried to be strong,all right,but I saw his frame crumble. Saw him sigh hard. Saw him lose hope. Just a bit of it.
It was quickly agreed that Little Me had to be rushed to Kenyatta Hospital. I needed urgent medical attention. And it was also concluded that I’d need a surgery. A heart surgery.
Mummy almost dropped me in shock. She’d heard of heart surgeries for years. She never thought she’d be taking her little one for one. But it was happening.
Mummy and Daddy moved allover. They made a million calls. They contacted anyone and everyone. They organized frantic fundraisers most of which didn’t really bring much to us.
It was finally agreed. I needed to travel to India. And I need Ksh 1.5 million to be operated. But so far, we have only been able to raise Ksh. 700,000 and balance is Ksh. 800,000 for the hole in my heart to finally be operated on and sealed. For me to go back to normalcy. For my health to find me again.
I am speaking for Mummy and Daddy and for Me too.
By the touch of God,kindly help me reach the target. And fly off to India for that much-required surgery.
I haven’t been able to eat yet. My breathing is still very poor. My weight had gone down dramatically. My health is at its worst. But my faith is at it’s most powerful.
Mummy hasn’t given up. Daddy hasn’t given up. And I haven’t either.
All I need to do is to breath. And live.
If only it were that simple.
Kindly please, to donate to please use the following steps;
To DONATE TO BABY Emily kindly use the M-PESA Paybill Number Medical Paybill No. 317111
How to Donate & Save the Life of this child :
• Go to M-PESA Menu
• Select LIPA NA MPESA then Pay Bill.
• Enter Paybill No. 317111
• Enter Your First Name as account Number
• Enter Amount e.g 10 Bob
• Enter your M-PESA PIN
Also,you can donate via Emily’s special medical BANK account which is Acc number: 10131301000369 Emily Atieno Adongo Medical Account. Bank is CONSOLIDATED BANK.
You can also reach and donate directly to her uncle,Kennedy Omondi directly via 0728629726
Give…And it shall come right back to you.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla