From A Video Vixen To A Blue Movie Star! Another Lungula Tape Is In The Pipeline (Photos)

If you are in search of the practical meaning of ‘money is the root of all evil’ then sultry video vixen is the best example!

Tanzanian video vixen Gigy Money wants to graduate from featuring in music video to starring in blue movies.

The sultry video queen says if she’s paid millions of Tanzanian shillings she’s ready to drop her clothes and face the cameras for any action.

“Yaani nikiambiwa napewa mamilioni nicheze picha hizo nipo tayari maana hapa duniani wanaokula starehe zaidi ni wale wenye fedha sasa nikipewa mamilioni ili nibadili maisha yangu, niko tayari maana nitabadili maisha yangu na nitaishi kitajiri hapo mpaka watu waje kunishtukia nitakuwa nimeshakula bata vya kutosha,” Gigy was quoated by Times FM.

So basically if someone pays Gigy Money good moola we can expect sex tape from her!



Gigy Money

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere