Just When You Thought You’ve Seen It All This Pastor Turned 3 Ladies Into Sheep (Video)

Aish! What can’t pastors do? German philosopher Karl Marx wasn’t wrong when he said religion was the opium of the people’s minds.

A video doing rounds on social media has once again implicated men of cloth in bad light; he literally turned three women into sheep.

The controversial preacher commanded the 3 crawl behind him as they mumbled animal-like sounds.

The pastor ordered the three women to follow him around as they crawled while he was preaching to other faithful.

As if the three were not enough, the pastor even instructed more ‘sheep’ to join him on the stage to crawl.

“My sheep come… my sheep come…” The pastor ordered more women to the stage.

Watch the video below:

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere