Homophobic Kenya Film Board Shown The Middle Finger By Google
Homosexuals in Kenya have breathed a sigh of relief after Google stood its ground amid ‘witch-hunt’ from Kenyan authorities.
“Same Love (Remix)” by Art Attack is the most controversial video released this year. Kenya Films Classification Board (KFCB) has been up in arms pestering Google to pull down the video from YouTube.
KFCB even gave the American company a one week ultimatum (which has long expired) to pull down Same Love (Remix) which KFCB had already flagged.
Google through its lawyer Osaga-Ondondo wrote KFCB chairman, Ezekial Mutua, a letter revealing its Kenyan office doesn’t administer services on YouTube hence lacks the capacity to control the content that is accessible through the channel.
Mr Osago-Ondondo advised KFCB to write directly to YouTube LLC/Google Inc. to express their dissatisfaction with Same Love (Remix).
Google pulled it services out of China in 2010 following interference from Chinese government. Certainly the American technology giant can afford to pull out of Kenya if authorities ‘frustrate’ them.
The way I see it, KFCB has a long way to go before it can convince Google to pull down a video that doesn’t violet its policy.
Remember Anne Waiguru Vs Google show down? At the long run Google carried the day!! Same Love (Remix) is still on YouTube with over 145k views!