Project X Curtain Raiser! 24 Matatus Ferrying 500 Varsity Dudes And Chicks To Masinga Sparks Fears Project X Could Have Started Following The Incident Last Sunday (Photos)
A road trip to Masinga last Sunday which involved some 500 varsity students sparked fears the controversial Project X sex party could have started.
The road trip to Masanga almost slipped from authorities’ radar but a road accident along Thika-Garissa road in Masinga sub-county awakened state machinery.
24 City matatus last Sunday transported some 500 varsity students from Nairobi to Masinga Dam for retreat.
One of the buses, a 51 seater bus, lost control while trying to overtake another vehicle and overturned.
One of the buses ferrying students that got involved in an accident
One person was reported to have died while two other sustained injuries. The injured were treatment at Kivaa health centre.
The incident sparked claims that the students were travelling to Masinga Dam for the controversial Project X sex party.
This was after Police who arrived at the scene of the accident filed a report indicating that the students on board the bus were intoxicated.
Nairobi News says organizers of the road trip denied claims the trip was a curtain raiser for Project X which is to be held this coming Saturday.
Credit: Nairobi News