Ghafla! Exclusive: How Churchill Was Blackmailed By Nigerian Men Who Used A Female Banker To Lure Him Into Her Bed Then Demanded Kes 10 Million Not To Leak His Raunchy Photos

Nigerians are running all sorts of illegal activities here in Kenya; wash-wash, drugs, ATM fraud, blackmail of prominent persons etc etc. Daniel “Churchill” Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King’ang’I was a victims of Nigerian blackmail!

In 2010, Churchill was caught in an ugly scene with a female banker in her house. Word got out that the king of comedy had been caught red-handed engaging in all manner of debauchery with someone’s wife.

Churchill was reportedly getting ready for a nookie with the lady when a man with a camera emerged unexpectedly and photographed him semi-nude.

Twitter bigwig, Cyprian Nyakundi, mentioned the incident in his article dubbed “West African Flights Packed With Kenyan Women. Study ” though he only revealed a speck of the truth about what happened to Churchill on that fateful day.

“On the other front, Nigerian men use prominent socialites or extra-beautiful women to lure senior figures in society largely drawn from the media or political establishment, film them engaging in sexual intercourse, and then blackmailing them for huge sums of money. Comedian and Classic 105.2FM host Daniel “Churchill” Ndambuki is a victim of those fraudsters and is rumored to have parted with over Kshs. 10million, just to buy back his “dignity.” Wrote Nyakundi in part.

Ghafla! called Ken Waudo Munyasa, the head of communications at Laugh Industry, the company that produces Churchill Show. Ken is also Churchill’s friend, manager and PR expert.

Waudo confirmed the incident indeed happened but not like how Nyakundi framed it. He said Churchill developed a close relationship with the lady who was working for Stanbic Bank that he completely trusted her to allow her into his aura.

The lady would call Churchill in regard to bank transactions and basically official business. The relationship later on transcended business limits as it was evident with the case of Churchill going to her house upon her invitation.

Churchill’s visit turned out to change the course of his life; the lady started flirting with him and soon clothes started falling off.

Just when the two were about to pass the ‘point of no return’, a man popped with a camera and started taking photos of the comedy king.

The man demanded millions of shillings from Churchill not to leak his photos. It was obvious from that moment that Churchill had been set up big time.

Churchill agreed to pay the millions he was asked to but had to withdraw the cash from the bank so he was let out of the house without any drama.

Waudo told Ghafla! Churchill sought the help of police to get himself out of the mess. The Nigerian men who were trying to extort money from the comedian fell for a trap Churchill and the police had set up for them.

They were arrested while meeting Churchill to give them a down payment of the sum they requested from him in order ‘bury’ the career-threatening photos.

Waudo says the Nigerians were deported while the lady who colluded with them was sacked by her employer.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere