‘UON IS NOT UGANDA! Babu Owino Is Too old For Politics” Says Mike Jacobs, The Guy with the Money And Guts To Take On Babu Owino
Mike Jacobs is quite a character. You would expect so given that he is coming up against one of the most well known university leaders in the country
.Jacobs hardly seems stifled with it, and actually finds that the fact that Babu Owino has held the Students union Chair since 2011 is enough for a new change. ‘Babu is too old for this kind of politics and as a word of free advice he should focus on constituency politics.” He says matter of factly.
So what does he have different. He cites his popular leadership as governor of UON main campus and what he calls strategic and focused leadership as a strong point. The third year student heading into fourth year at the end of the academic calendar says Babu Owino’s leadership has become monotonous and suffering a lack of focus from the longevity.
He even suggests that continued leadership would see the usually popular leader removed from the seat by students as he gets out of touch with their matters.
So does he have the meanS to match the guts to take on someone with Babu’s experience and resources in the murky world of UON ground politics? Mike Jacobs remains unfazed saying he has done his stuff and built his network.
His shiny Range Rover points to someone with quite deep pockets. His lineup for executive positions includes Harold mughozi., Erick Janganya., and Ronny Ayumba.
Well, let the battle for votes continue and the odd be in the winners favor.These are photos of the challenger