Award-winning Journalist to Hold State Funeral for MPs

The CNN 2008 African Photojournalist of the Year award winner and activist will this week lead a walk to commemorate the closing of parliament by delivering 221 coffins, one for each outgoing Member of Parliament.

The non-violent, peace procession will take place on Wednesday, 16th January from Uhuru Park to Parliament with thousands of Kenyans anti-vulture flags while carrying the coffins. This protest will signify the end of five years of impunity by the 10th parliament. The protest will also be a reminder to the leaders that Kenyans are ready for a peaceful ballot revolution.


You can tweet about it and spread the word. Hashtag #state burial #statefuneral. The activist wishes to encourage Kenyans to take proactive action in the advent of the bad leadership. He wants Kenyans to excercise their rights and speak out against impunity and organize to vote for change.

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)