Tabia Mbaya! Akorino Couple Causes Upheaval After They Were Spotted Kissing And Cuddling Amorously In Public On Valentine’s Day (Photo)

They are known to adhere to strict religious practices that don’t condone public display of affection (PDA). But love is stronger than any religious practice and this was specifically evident in the case of two Akorino sweethearts who were involved in PDA.

Akorino is an African indigenous church that grew strictly out of indigenous leadership. Their style of dressing and their way of worshiping is unique to any other religious group.

Akorinos are guided by doctrines that ordinary people like you and I would see as punishment in this digital era.

Well, Akorino lovebird is the talk of the social media after they decided to discard their religious beliefs and got down to business of exchanging saliva in public.

The topless Akorino man sunk his tongue deep in his lover’s mouth as they held each other tighter than mating lions at a scenic wild destination. Perhaps they were reenacting what Adam and Eve did at the Garden of Eden, you never know!


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere