Are You Gay? Would You Marry Njoki Chege? Which Car Do You Drive? … Online Frenzy As Larry Madowo Decides To Answer ALL Questions Asked About Him

#AskLarry is currently the hottest topic on Twitter. Larry Madowo is busy answering all questions asked about him.

Larry answered most questions asked about him but not all:

@Smogeric: #AskLarry will ever be a reward to some of the most loyal fans like myself who wait until you say, ‘thanks to Tony Airo, my producer, etc?’

Larry Madowo: Yes. Some great things coming up this year. And thank you #AskLarry

@SheilaJerotich: @LarryMadowo #AskLarry How long did you have to wait to get your first job?

Larry Madowo: I was freelancing since I was 18, got my first full time job on TV at 20 #AskLarry

@shelieKK: @LarryMadowo what car do you drive

Larry Madowo: Not brand dropping but I’m just interested in getting around. I also use public transport, Uber and cabs #AskLarry

@KimGuy_Manroy: @LarryMadowo Do you really believe in the saying *Akili ni Nywele?*??? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Yes. That’s why I’m so dumb because I don’t have hair #AskLarry

@sadopi254: #AskLarry what motivates you sir?? Nimotivate adi mm bana..

Larry Madowo: The desire to try to be better than I was yesterday. And nice things. I like nice things #AskLarry

@i_am_nguji: @LarryMadowo Are you a religious person now? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Very much so. I’m a Jesus freak #AskLarry

@dencolb: #AskLarry who is your best friend

Larry Madowo: Some crazy dude we joineed campus on the same day with #AskLarry

@amnoAverageJoe: @LarryMadowo while starting out your career, how hard was is it to get an internship at nation media.

Larry Madowo: I applied for an internship at KTN but they offered me a job after 3 interviews #AskLarry

@neil_sawn: @LarryMadowo what would you be in another life if you were not a journalist #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Software programmer perhaps #AskLarry

@Muhahami: #AskLarry Are you afraid of bloggers? especially Nyakundi and his bots?

Larry Madowo: I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God #AskLarry

@AloyceMpandana1: If someone wants to be print media journalist what you will advise him #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Go for it. It’s an exciting job but there aren’t enough good writers around #AskLarry

@Ajaez_III: Did you always want to be journalist growing up? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: I wanted to be a lawyer #AskLarry

@ustadhndiaga: #AskLarry I have 30 teeth, how many do you have?

Larry Madowo: Like 132 #AskLarry

@LydiaAsena: #AskLarry do you sometimes think how it would be if your parents were here to see you today esp having achieved so much at an early age?

Larry Madowo: I hope they’d be proud. I was speaking to a friend about grief recently and that came up #AskLarry

@fayazone: #AskLarry @LarryMadowo how many pairs of those weird but classy, dope socks do you have?

Larry Madowo: Over 50. And I’m constantly buying more #AskLarry

@RaiyaMkenya: @LarryMadowo what’s your take on politics? Would you venture into the field? #askLarry

Larry Madowo: Unlikely. Very unlikely #AskLarry

@read_my_tweet_: @LarryMadowo after the davido drama kwa show,… Has he ever contacted you back to say you made him look badcuriosity #asklarry

Larry Madowo: He follows me on Twitter. Does that count? #AskLarry

@Amos_Makokha: @LarryMadowo Is it true that you were yearning to be a priest at one point in your life? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Yup. Check timeline for video reply #AskLarry

@Cindyachieng: Were you an A student in school? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Nope. More like a B student with potential and not enough focus #AskLarry

@Don_muhoro: @LarryMadowo how many countries have you visited around the globe #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: 15 last year alone (UK & SA 3x & US 2x) but still not enough. Life isn’t meant to be lived in one place #AskLarry

@Salomelugard: #AskLarry @LarryMadowo How old are you?

Larry Madowo: 28 #AskLarry

@martin_chomba: @LarryMadowo If a random stranger sent you a book, would you read it? #AskLarry

Larry Madowo: Absolutely! I read from a book every night before I sleep #AskLarry


Critical questions asked that Larry Madowo didn’t answer:

@ItsDzombo: Are you gay!? #AskLarry

@AllanOchupe: #AskLarry When are you planning to get married? @LarryMadowo

@WanjalaMaxwell: #AskLarry must you be stacking everyone to vent out your frustrations ya kukataliwa na Vicky Rubadiri!!!

@_AlfredJackson_: Would you marry Njoki Chege, or will you or shall you marry her not?? #AskLarry

@JonesWiz: @LarryMadowo if u were locked in a room with Raila, @C_NyaKundiH n Uhuru n had a gun with only 2 bullets. Who would u shoot twice? #AskLarry

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere