Shee Waruinge Gets A ‘Knight In Shining Armour’ To Defend Her Honour!
So this blogger Y character has been on a red-bull roll, insulting all and sundry on twitterville in the name of scoring points with wights. I guess mantrums do get you points, and followers.
First off, he ‘released’ a list of the ugliest tweeps on twitter. That article made Brian Mbunde trend, something that is a regular occurence I’m gathering. Then he went on to release a supposed expose about Shee Waruinge. Yes, he went on and on about how she tried to use her feminine wiles on him to no avail blah blah blah. Enyewe hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Someone by the name Nico finally decided he’s had enough of Blogger Y’s claptrap and decided to call him up on this. Who knew Shee had people out to ‘redeem’ her from the ‘haters’ out to cast aspersions on her character! This latest blog has been trending but seeing as I’ve been off social media for a while, I did not catch wind wind of it until this morning. Well, what sumptuous fodder it makes for banter! Nico, I’m guessing you know blogger Y will come after you with guns blazing.
Read that blogpost by Nico below:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, with all due respect to #BloggerY, whoever he is, he is an emotionally injured guy besmirching the respectable art of blogging. #BloggerY please don’t take this personal but we are not idiots. Great women did not struggle carrying us in their wombs for nine months plus labour so that we could feed on your shit… No!!!
You want facts?? Screenshots?? I’ll use yours and make it fair. You claimed to have slept with a girl going by the handle @Ranceville? Anyway it was by your own admission on your own blog post where you wrote these words,”I am that man who did c*m on your stretch mark invested b**bs and said Rub that ointment bitch…” Later you imply to her ‘ushamba’ by saying this… ” stop wearing Reeboks and yellow socks to church. You are 21 not 71.”
My question is, did she become a ‘mshamba’ after you slept with her or do you just go after the ‘mshamba’ because it was easier for you to get laid and trash her just like that then come here and make us believe she is a wh*re and you aren’t? Considering how hard you try to sound classy, others will agree with me that is the most blatant public display of idiocy they’ve seen in a while.
I don’t know most of your blog’s victims, I’ve never met them and I never want to. Whether wh*res or pimps they seem to have some sort of a life and just thinking of it, they don’t seem to care what dirt you have on them. What about you? Are you f*cking the village or is the village f*cking you up??
That aside, why would you insult an innocent baby just because the mother doesn’t please you? I mean, maybe the mother is an asshole as you claim but really?? Did the baby also try to bed you? ‘Rape’ your facebook inbox or something? I don’t know but…
Remember them?? When you call that little innocent baby on that picture a ‘frog looking like creature’, we can only wait long enough to see the fruit of your loins. We only pray that you don’t bring forth worse than what you just called that baby.
Your beef with all these celebrities, all of whom some of us didn’t know about prior to your rant is just crazy. Looking at facts, these guys are living a life no matter who they f*ck. I can only point you to a reminder of why lanes are so important in this life. Ideos lane isn’t as bad as you want to make it seem.
The blog you did about a certain Sheeroh was crazy, I admit, I fell off my seat laughing but when the shit is too funny, read through it again and laugh harder. It wasn’t the case though. Whoever Sheeroh is, God forgive her ‘closed door’ activities as we were made to believe but reading through that blog again, the discrepancies are amazing. Let the people look at this sequence and decide if you are to be trusted…
Guy wrote that Sheeroh inboxed him when she realised that he was going to expose her and their conversation was this…
That conversation was dated 22nd February as seen and according to it, our friend wanted a night with the girl he was later insulting in his article. I call that entertainment but wait… He then says that he disappeared on the her until she ‘raped’ his inbox several months later with these messages…
Well, one part I enjoyed is that, several months after their initial chat on 22nd February, the date was still 22nd February. I just don’t get it.
#BloggerY, please, you are way better than that. Next time your flirting expeditions go wrong, you will be pleased to know that #KOT just don’t give a shit.
By the way, you fed us with plenty of ‘WhatsApp’ screenshots to prove your point on who is f*cking who, who you believe has long ears, frustrum shaped heads, who you believe has ‘mpango wa kando’, who has AIDS, herpes etc. In the eyes of any human being with a beating heart, all that is nonsense.
Your friends calling someone a wh*re on ‘WhatsApp’ doesn’t build a case that they are. In fact, it is nothing more than hear say and if indeed they are, we just don’t care and if who is f*cking who really mattered to us, I guess we would all enjoy group s*x on twitter and make your work easier because at the moment, you are hiding from your own little demons and your fear of rejection is so big it clouds your thinking. Here is the reality, just because you are selling doesn’t mean everyone is buying.
You #BloggerY are a talented writer, none of us can take that away from you but please, more sense won’t harm you. Get off people’s s*x lanes and inspire the world with your briliance. Love or hate me, we only live once, don’t live your life peeping through people’s bedroom windows.
Anyway, don’t mind me, am just thinking out loud, until we meet, which probably will never happen.
This blogpost was written by Nico. Those are not my words.