Here’s a Copy of the Permit You Have to Obtain to Throw a House Party as Ordered by Mututho (PHOTO)

Last week, new NACADA boss and ‘booze czar’, John Mututho, cracked the whip and put a dampener on the festive season when he declares that homeowners will need a permit before serving drinks to friends and family, all in a bid to “curb underage drinking”.

And just like that, the decree is in full force.

The directive requires everyone to get a Sh1,000 permit from the police before they host drinks parties at their homes or anywhere else. What’s more, drinking at private parties is supposed to end by 11 PM.

Below is a sample permit you’ll be required to have this Christmas if you’re planning to invite your friends over;



It’s serious like that now…


Photo props: Josiah Mwangi

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)