Colonel Mustafa Reveals He Banged Huddah Monroe A Record 50 Times At The Height Of Their Brief Romantic Escapade

He must have known he would never get the chance to smash Huddah Monroe again that’s why he went on rampage banging like his life depended on it!

Colonel Mustafa briefly dated Huddah Monroe way back before the socialite got serious sponsors who could fly her in business class.

Huddah has repeatedly denied claims her relationship with the ‘Dodoma Singida’ rapper involved spreading her legs.

Mustafa has however clung to the story that he bonked the slender socialite. The problem of shagging, you can’t undo a f**k, can you?

Anyway, in an interview on East Africa TV’s Friday Night Live, Colonel Mustafa said he banged Huddah Monroe 50 times in two weeks.

The rapper spoke highly of Huddah’s prowess in bed, a reason why he always couldn’t resist sticking his third leg in her cookie jar.

Mustafa thinks Huddah could have been trained by the likes of Getrude Mungai to acquire unmatched skills in bed.

Credit: Msetoea

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere