Standard Digital Make History By Actually Crediting A Blog

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it! I was sure that SDE had jacked the article from Wait, let me start from the beginning:

Press Play were the first to launch a story about President Uhuru Kenyatta’s cousin going down on one knee at a Bruce Springsteen concert. I was impressed. I couldn’t believe that they had beaten every other conceivable competitor to that story.


I then saw it run on Standard’s online platform and I was sure that it was a case of swagger jacking. And after we had settled everything with the beautiful Njambi, the head of Standard Digital. I was livid. But when the article fully loaded, I couldn’t believe that they had credited the source of the story.

That is a huge step! SDE actually crediting another blog and going as far as linking the article to the original article written was awesome. They have now set the tone for an agenda I once discussed with David Mugo of Niaje: the need for a collective body to bring all blogs and websites together.

Shout out to SDE for actually crediting the source and shout out to Njambi for proving that she is a person of her word. Now please trot down the hall and slap the editor of Pulse Magazine. Slap them hard for jacking several Ghafla stories and not crediting us. Slap them again for doing bang-up jobs when they do copy our work.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)