Entertainment Joints in Nairobi Decry Use of Alcoblow; Want it Withdrawn

The Pubs, Entertainment and Restaurant Association of Kenya (PERAK) is demanding for the suspension of alcoblow (breathalyzer) until proper engagement and consultations are held between the government and stakeholders.

PERAK even threatened to seek a court injunction if the government will fail to agree to talks on how the gadgets should be used arguing that its limit is below international levels, adding that the US and European countries have set about 0.8mg of 100ml of blood alcohol percentage limit.

Police use Alcoblow machine. Bar owners claim in the US and Europe, blood alcohol percentage limit is 0.8mg of 100ml while Kenya has set it at 0.35mg of 100ml. Photo/ JEFF ANGOTE


Alcoblow was re-introduced in December as a reflex to curb road carnage and those found to have surpassed the stipulated 0.35mg of 100ml of blood alcohol percentage risk a fine of up to Sh100,000 or a jail term of one year or both.



Photo/ Courtesy

The lobby group wants the State to temporarily suspend alcoblow crackdown and engage the bar owners, who say their businesses are losing sales due the restrictions, prompting them to mull over job cuts.


Additional reporting by Business Daily Africa.

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)