#SmirnoffFiesta Is Bringing The Beach Party to Brown Bottle In Thika

Smirnoff is one of the best at throwing parties and if you doubt that, then that’s probably because you’ve never been at a Smirnoff party. And you have a chance to change all that. You can get to experience both a Smirnoff party and a beach party all rolled into one. And Thika, this weekend, it’s coming your way once again.

I am talking about twice the fun you experience at normal parties with the cocktails and the entire beach experience. First, let us delve deeper into the cocktails before we dive deeper into the experience.




Cocktails. Three in number. All are mind blowing and suit your personality. If you’re a bubbly personality with a sunny disposition, there is the Jamaican Sunrise and for the experimental types, there is a Screwdriver. But if you’re the type with swag, try the Black Mamba.

Now onto the experience; beautiful women, beautiful bodies, buff bods and bikinis and swim trunks. You will not be disappointed. Check out the directions to Brown Bottle below:







About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)