This Is Why The Court Has Refused To Detain The Assailant Who Brutally Beat A Pregnant Langata Woman Seen In The Viral Video Last Week

She was the talk of the nation last Wednesday when a graphic video and photos showing how she was beaten black and blue started circulating online.

A certain Mr. John Wambugu was last week caught on camera beating his pregnant wife senseless as neighbors watched.

Also Read: 6 Month Pregnant Langata Woman Brutally Assaulted As People Watch

The batterer has not been locked in police custody thanks to a yesterday court ruling by resident magistrate Miriam Peter Mugure.

The magistrate said the application to lock the wife batterer for three days lacked merit since the complainant had not formally recorded a statement and filled a P3 form.

Prosecution also failed to convince the court why Mr. Wambugu posed a threat to the security of the complainant or witnesses in the case to warrant his further detention in custody.

Credit: Daily Nation

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Martin Oduor

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