Siaya MCA Opens Up About Dr. Alfred Mutua’s Luo Father And Encourages Him To Vie For Siaya Gubernatorial Seat Instead of Machakos

Since all Luos who hails from Siaya County are related to President Obama and Raila Odinga, could it be possible that Alfred Mutua is also related to the US president and Cord leader??

Alego Central MCA Leonard Oriaro, told the Star newspaper the father to Machakos County governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua, is a jang’o from Siaya County.

The MCA says Mutua is welcome to challenge Cornel Rasanga Amoth for Siaya gubernatorial seat since he has Luo blood in his DNA.

Mr. Oriaro says Alfred Mutua’s father is called Habil Otieno Lut from Kalenjuok village in his ward. He even said Mutua used to be called Alfred Otieno Odango.

The MCA further revealed Mutua’s father sired three children with his Kamba wife adding that Dr. Mutua’s sister works for Sabena Airlines in Brussels, Belgium while his younger brother had passed on.

Mr. Oriaro claims the Machakos Governor was in Siaya over the past weekend to bury a relative but his presence was not felt since Luo kingpin, Raila Odinga, was holding a memorial for his deceased father, Odinga Oginga and son, Fidel Odinga.

Dr. Mutua however told the Star only his aunt was married in Siaya downgrading claims he had roots in Luo Nyanza. He says he was in Bondo over the past weekend to bury the father to former cabinet minister, Raphael Tuju.

So Alfred Mutua isn’t Luo after all?? Is he still invited to vie for Siaya gubernatorial seat? Mr. Oriaro should answer that I guess..,

Credit: The Star

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Martin Oduor

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