Sad: Bahati Smoked Out Of His Hideout With An Attack On His Adopted Children By A Well Known Mafia

Bahati’s woes continue shadowing him even in his cocoon of silence. His enemies finally managed to strike his soft underbelly and he had to respond!

Sometimes in January this year, Bahati wiped clean his Instagram account announcing he had turned his back on gospel music.

Also Read: Gospel Singer, Bahati Quits Gospel Music. Here’s Why.

The 22-year-old singer disappeared from limelight with his whereabouts only known to members of his inner circle.

Apparently gospel mafia had been formed to finish Bahati; members of the group are well known. They were to carry out a series of character assassination to make sure Bahati’s reputation was completely maimed.

The mafia managed to get on Bahati’s nerves when they attacked his adopted children; Morgan ( 4) Purity (4 ) and Rose (10).

Bahati was smocked out of his hideout after his enemies started propagating nonsense that he adopted the kids to seek sympathy.

The ‘Story Yangu’ singer reemerged crying asking himself why he would adopt children just for the sake of showbiz.

He says he broke his silence after his son Morgan asked him why people were saying they are not his kids.

“I chose my silence when I heard Morgan ask me “Daddy Mbona wanasema sisi sio watoto wako???” For a moment I shed a tear infront of my son thinking is it really worth Doing all I do??? I know many of you here are parents kindly tell me this… Is it really worth committing your Lifetime to adopt a child to Seek Sympathy??? Is it really worth paying all this school fees,Medical fee & upkeep because of a name??? Why then Do they go to an extent of using my innocent kids as a way of Bringing me Down??? Only me and my 3 Angels know how we Survive. They are the only people who can tell you Bahati struggles his level best to make sure there’s something on the table. For the last year and a half I have been running a hospital to help parents with kids facing disability around the slums of Kayole but have I ever said it to anyone??? Have I ever screen shot how much I pay the doctors monthly??? Have i ever asked anyone for sponsorship??? Then why is this happening to me??????” Wrote Bahati in part.

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Martin Oduor

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