The Hilarious Hapa Kule News To Make Its Debut On KTN This Evening!

A lot of my friends tell me they don’t watch the seven o’clock bulletin because they don’t understand the ‘conk Swahili’ that the news-anchors dish out with reckless abandon. I wonder if they will tune in to this hilarious bulletin set to be begin airing tonight!

Dubbed hapa kule news, it is a humourous offering set to revolutionize how ‘news’ is transmitted in Kenya. The lingua franca, sheng! I kid you not. The news delivery istongue-in-cheek, touching on the pressing issues that have the youth at logger-heads with life! Of-course not be forgotten are the hustlers, nowadays called ma sufferrer wa Jah. Lord have mercy.

Watch the trailer below and judge for yourself if this will become a pinned post in your Friday agenda. KTN, Friday 7.30 pm, make a date!


About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)