Is This the Group That Will Replace Camp Mulla?!
This group is set to make an impact in the industry when they release their debut single.
Chapter 3 is made up of Tayo, Ckay and Noti Flow. All born between ’93 to ’95, the youngsters are looking to fill the gap left by rap group, Camp Mulla.
Tayo is a Nairobi native who started singing in the church and school choir. Ckay on the other hand started out rapping in high school competitions. Like Tayo, Noti Flow also started singing in the church and school choir.
Chapter 3 was discovered by Candy n Candy Records when they held their auditions. The label aims to promote record-making as a vehicle for personal and professional growth. They provide vital services to artists and youth who intend to make music their profession and offer development opportunities for those who choose other paths.