TWINE CIETU: The Only Non-Political, Strictly Entertainment, Meru Nite
Twine Cietu is a Meru hangout event in Nairobi, which aims to bring together the Nairobi Meru community with the sole aim of socializing and networking. The event is held once every month in Nairobi.
Created and inspired by Kamanu, an African Contemporary Meru musician, its purpose is to unite the diverse Meru community, connecting them to their wonderful heritage.
This December, the event is dubbed the “biggest Meru Bash” and it will be held at the Natives Sports Bar n Grill Thika Rd, (near the EABL entrance).
There will be performances by a number of top Meru artists including Prof. Murega Baichu, Daukar among others.
Date: 19th
Time : 7:30 PM onwards
Entry absolutely Free!!!
Proudly sponsored by:
The Alba hotel Meru, Capital Sacco, Silverspread and Natives Sports Bar N Grill.
Twine Cietu at Natives; The trending Stronghold.