These Are The Ticket Collection Points For The Biggest New Year’s Party

This year, Epic Nation Live, The Rift Valley Festival and CodeRED Entertainment’s The Event Gear are organizing the Hakuna Matata Festival at the Fisherman’s Camp in Naivasha.

The 31st December event won’t be short of entertainment value and for your entertainment, they have put together a list of only the Finest Live Acts and DJs Kenya has to offer.

Tickets are available on ticketsasa. Physical points for advanced tickets will be announced soon. The window for early bird tickets, which were going for Kshs. Kshs. 1,000, closed on 1st of December. Advance tickets are going for Kshs. 1,500 while gate tickets are Kshs. 2,000.

Hakuna Matata Tickets Collection Point
1. Mercury Lounge (ABC)
2. Mercury Lounge (Junction Mall)
3. Cool Beans (Bishan Plaza, Westlands)
4. Fisherman’s Camp (Naivasha)
5. Hidden Agenda (Sarit Centre)
6. Que Pasa¿ (Karen Shopping Centre)

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)