A Group Of Hybrid Team Mafisi Follow Lady With Gigantic Buttocks At A Ratchet Party, Videotaped Her Ass, Worship It, Gropped It And Did All Sort Of Nasty Things To it (Video)

Forget online Team Mafisi who only express their thirst by punching the keyboard, their cousins at a ratchet party walked the talk and did dirty things to a humongous butt.

A bootylicious girl donning a pink top and a tight, must have regretted why the good lord endowed her with such mountainous behinds.

The girl who was in company of a friend went partying where she met hyper thirsty ninjas who were drooling at the yummy sight of her assets.

The hyenas bullied the girl as they demanded to grope her ass and do dirty things to her. Tired of getting goaded, the girl decided to leave the party.

But her departure wouldn’t stop the thirsty dudes from ‘messing’ with her buttocks; they followed her to the streets, videotaped her ass, touched it, praised it, worshipped it and did all sort of crazy things.

Watch the video below to see what transpired:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere